Saturday, September 22, 2007
I spent the week doing plasmid preps and health and safety. Sourcing cocoa. Of a side note here, to find a decent quality cocoa I decide to ring around the places that advertise hand made chocolates and find out where they get their cocoa from. It was interesting - because they don't make them. They import them from Australia. Boxes and boxes of little hand made chocolates from Aus. Seemed kind of silly, and kind of takes away they whole hand made chocolate boutique thing.
It was my birthday yesterday, and I had a party. It was a pot luck thing and all my friends did an amazing job. I made sushi which looked very impressive. So I can now officially say the Wii is mine. Speaking of which it is urking me for some reason more than it should that Terry registered it in his name. In the end it doesn't really matter, but well it is mine. It is times like this I fell like I am behaving as an only child is perceived. Stamping my foot and saying MINE.
But all that aside - I am now older and another year closer to my mid life crisis. Which I am allowed at a minimum of 35, as discussed with my friends. And I fully intend of having one, I might even try for two. One at 35 and other at 45. I may have to put some research into how to have a good one, as I don't want to miss out of any of the fun bits. But I have to make cookies for tomorrow morning to celebrate I am older.
The other thing that I did was went to the parallel imported make up and fragrance clearance sale. I brought some cool things. And well the sparkle - it is great. But finally I have liquid eye liner.
I broke my Bejeweled record with an impressive score of 12573. I was going to play some WoW last night, instead I talked to Remmy and made a list of all the songs I have used in my blog. I found them all but "It doesn't make sense the words that we're saying" I have no idea where I got this one from. My Googlefu failed me for that one. I did play a lot of Wii last night, I need to play some more bowling on another character to get back into it so I don't loose my professional tittle. I want to hang onto my 185 average. Might play some WoW today.
Going well, hopefully I have lost the kg which will put me at 15kg lost and over the half way mark. I need to be a bit more obsessive about my calorie counting, but Sept is the month for birthdays. Soon it will be summer and salads will be more the order of the day and I will be biking to work. I am defiantly noticing the loss - most of my pants I don't have to bother to undo now to take them off.
No idea what was in them, but the cookies that Briar made last night. - Yum.
The Last King of Scotland

This movie was well done, and you would fully enjoy it you are in the right mind frame. But it is sort of like a documentary - so don't expect CGI and big action. But I enjoyed it.
The Feast

This movie all the things that are missing in The Last King of Scotland, terrible acting, drums of fake blood and gore. A script that was written by stoned university students. It was like most of my jokes so bad you had to laugh. B-Grade at its worst and there for good.
Bridget Jones Diary part 1 and 2

I had not seen this before, and now having watched it i regret waiting so long. It was funny and sweet. And the scene were Hugh Grant falls in the lake sold me. No matter how big of a cad he was, what dodgy hookers he has had. I was sold on his sexiness. I like 1 better than 2. But the scene in the jail was worth it.
Books - I am now reading on the train (have been for a while, but decided to start working on books I should have read and haven't) So decided to split the movies and books.
Books - I am now reading on the train (have been for a while, but decided to start working on books I should have read and haven't) So decided to split the movies and books.
Animal Farm

I can see why it made such a big impact when it came out. But my comment on finishing it was - it was predictable. At which point I got a massive dialogue from Nick (I think he had to study Animal Farm at school) about how you can not say history is predictable. That is like some one about to watch Rome being told that Casar dies, and thus claiming that you had ruined it for them. And really he is right, I had no come back to his you can't claim history is predictable. It was very well written but didn't really do anything for me.
(if you want to suggest a book I should read, just flick me an email, or leave a comment.)
The kiln is still broken so nothing is fired, shaped my oil burner some more and started on my castle.
Talkin' about coffee, what's your opinion? Is it a social lubricant or a dangerous stimulant?