Saturday, May 19, 2007
Nick and Terry have been away this weekend so I have been really productive and gotten all the house work done and lots of those little things that seem to slip through the gaps.
Been on my own there too, every one else was at a conference in Palmerston North. So I should have done a lot more than I actually did. But as they say when the cat is away. The GABA assay is validated though. And I sent my constructs for sequencing. Yeah I did a lot of nothing.
Again a lot of nothing happening here too. Though on Wednesday I caught up with Nick's parents and had Mother's Day dinner, if some what a little late. I have manged to swish the Warehouse twice this week. My first swish Nick was with me and he brought a whole pile of art supplies and has taken up painting. He is doing quite well at it, but I think he is getting frustrated that it doesn't just happen. He is learning to paint from scratch, like how to mix colours and that. But he is enjoying it so all good. My second swish was to check out things that I saw in my first swish but Nick was with me so didn't really look at them, nothing interesting. I have learnt while walking home is the best time to ring my mother, I am not trying to cook dinner or other things like that. I am going to try and ring all my friends some time over the next week, just for a hello and re-establish that contact. Some I feel are getting a be thin due to effort on my part.
I have re-speced back to hybrid which is making me enjoy the game a lot more, and at the moment I am working my way towards a talbuk which is stylie. I think I will get the dark one. I need to get my Moonglade set so I actually have the gear for my build. But I can finally kill stuff.
Being a better person
Things are going well and I have dropped to 88.2kg. All this walking is been good for the soul, and I feel less stress. Though buying the house and getting that sorted was a big stress reducer.
Books and stuff.
I finished the book I started last week and have yet to start another one. I haven't watched any movies either.
The Car
I am starting a new section this week about my S800 to try and get me working on it. Will see, but yes I have an S800 and I need to get it running.
Revenge is never a straight line. It's a forest, And like a forest it's easy to lose your way... To get lost... To forget where you came in.