Saturday, February 03, 2007
What a week, I went to the Roger Waters concert, did some gardening, brought a teapot, a house and a calander. And ate to many maple syrup cookies (but damn they are good) in no particular order.
Week O Work
Due to it being a short week, was a pretty quite one - so I caught up on paper work, and genrally got organised. Not sure how long it will last. I can say though - if you are feeling down - have a boysenberries.
Week O Social
I went to the Roger Waters concert and damn it was good. Just WOW - tickets were rather expensive, but I decided that I would buy my mother a ticket since I know deep down inside a little piece of her would have died if she didn't go. She just wouldn't have admitted it (I pity her friends
who will have to hear all about it for the next month or two). But back to the story - tickets started at $100 and went up to $400. I was like ouch at the $100 tickets, but after having been it was well worth it, and prob would have justified the $200 ticket. Went and got a warrant on the car, it failed because the window washers didn’t work. Quick water bottle fix and done. This was actually a major worry as if the car had failed on something major we would have been in the poo. Due to having gone unconditional on a house on the 2nd of Feb and buying a weeks trip to the Gold Coast. Heading there in March. So not to far away
Week O WoW
I hit level 68 this means I can become a crow and fly around.
Week O Being a better person
Ha went and played soccer with Nick this morning and he normally hassles me about being unfit. Well seems as though I am fitter than he is and was still running strong. I worked on getting better aim for my weekly girl’s game. Though normally Ed comes and plays with us, but he is such a girl it counts. But I am not sure he will come next week due to me kicking him at our last game. I need to buy some sushi rice today and make some sushi for next week. So working on sports and that. Ice cream is good. Damn I have a weak will when it comes to exercising more and eating better.
Books and stuff
Still reading Harry Potter stuff and it isn’t too bad. But I do want to punch any whiney teenagers in the face, but then I normally want to do that so no change.
Drink tea – it is good for you, so is running up stairs, but tea you can do with friends and not look like a tomato after wards.